I am Michael Szpakowicz, a Computer Science Graduate specializing in Robotics and Machine Learning

I am also known as Spok within circles of friends and colleagues.

Contact Me Resume




Coursera Self-Driving Car Expert

University of Toronto / Coursera

May 2022 – Present Toronto
Worked with Professor Steven Waslander and Professor Jonathan Kelly on reviewing, amending, and improving their Self-Driving Cars Specialization on Coursera.

Robotics Software Engineer


Jul 2021 – Present Mississauga
Engineered a golf push cart that follows people using TensorRT to run YOLOv5 on a Jetson Nano. Designed a monocular part localization system in Python with for pick-and-place solutions using OpenCV’s implementation of SIFT. Created a restaurant waiter robot using RTAB SLAM running on ROS with a LiDAR and RGBD camera fusion.

Computer Organization Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto

Jan 2020 – Apr 2020 Mississauga

Led tutorials, assisted during lectures, held office hours, prepared course materials, marked tests and assignments, and taught the following skills:

  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Boolean Expressions and Logic Gates
  • Design and Analysis of Combinational and Sequential Circuits
  • MIPS Assembly and related skills

Introduction to Programming Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto

Sep 2019 – Dec 2019 Mississauga
Led tutorials, assisted during lectures, held office hours, prepared course materials, marked tests and assignments, and taught Python coding, the basics of complexity analysis, sorting algorithms, and searching algorithms.

Mobile Robotics Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto

Aug 2019 – Sep 2019 Mississauga
Assembled, configured, and tested 5 mobile robotic platforms.

Computer Organization Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto

Jan 2019 – Apr 2019 Mississauga

Led tutorials, assisted during lectures, held office hours, prepared course materials, marked tests and assignments, and taught the following skills:

  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Boolean Expressions and Logic Gates
  • Design and Analysis of Combinational and Sequential Circuits
  • MIPS Assembly and related skills

Software Design Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto

Sep 2018 – Dec 2018 Mississauga

Led tutorials, assisted during lectures, held office hours, prepared course materials, marked tests and assignments, and taught the following skills:

  • Java Programming
  • Design Patterns
  • Git Version Control

Animation Engineer

Little Canada

Jun 2018 – Sep 2018 Mississauga
Created multiple Arduino libraries in C++ for making many complex, interleaved animations using servo motors, DC motors, LEDs, stepper motors, and a variety of sensors.

Software Design Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto

Sep 2017 – Dec 2017 Mississauga

Led tutorials, assisted during lectures, held office hours, prepared course materials, marked tests and assignments, and taught the following skills:

  • Java Programming
  • Design Patterns
  • Git Version Control

Animation Engineer

Little Canada

Jun 2017 – Sep 2017 Mississauga
Created waterfall animation using 5 LED strips and an Arduino MEGA 2560.


Adversarial attacks on supervised self-driving algorithms using RGBD cameras.

Indoor navigation with imitation learning using a smartphone as a sensor and controller.
